Not All Men? Well, actually…

Alicen Grey
5 min readAug 19, 2015

Last month, I wrote this provocative little number about male “feminists”. Basically, my article centered on a series of questions, prompting men to do some introspection as to why they call themselves feminists.

After writing that article, and (mistakenly?) reading the pissed-off responses on various social media outlets, I learned a valuable lesson: women should never question men, ever. Even though the vast majority of all violent crime in the world is committed by men. Oh, and don’t forget that all the most destructive industries in the world — e.g., industrial agriculture, necrotechnocracy, sex trafficking, the military industrial complex, etc. etc. .… are dominated and directed by men.

Women are expected to politely ignore that fact, that very-verifiable and universally consistent fact, because men don’t like being reminded of the fact that their sex class is demonstrably, undeniably, indisputably, globally and historically more violent than ours. They do this shit, or they passively watch other men do this shit, and then they have the nerve to get offended when women are suspicious of them.

The nerve!

So what happens when you state this obvious fact, this reality, this truth, that…

